首次使用 Git 时需要设置用户名和邮箱地址
git config --global user.name "your name"
git config --global user.email "example@email.com"
git config user.name "another name"
git config user.email "another@email.com"
用户的 Git 配置文件存在 ~/gitconfig
查看配置可以直接打开配置文件,也可以使用命令 git config --list
Git 默认编辑器是 Vim,通过 git config --global core.editor emacs
可以将默认编辑器改为 emacs。如果要将默认编辑器改为 Vscode,首先需要确认 code
命令可用,然后执行 git config --global core.editor "code --wait"
git config --global --add merge.ff false
意思是使用 git merge
时不要使用 fast-forward(快进)模式
git config --global --add pull.ff only
意思是在 git pull
时仅支持 fast-forward 模式
fast-forward 的合并使追踪分支的历史记录变得更困难。因此在合并时应该避免使用 fast-forward 合并 但是,在大多数情况下,fast-forward 拉取并不会让情况变得复杂。所以推荐设置在拉取的时候仅使用 fast-forward
在使用 git grep
git config --global grep.lineNumber true
git config diff.wsErrorHighlight all
全局 gitignore
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
可以让 ~/.gitignore_global
通过 alias 可以设置命令别名,比如下面的代码
git config --global alias.co checkout
git config --global alias.br branch
git config --global alias.st status
设置好之后执行 git co
就相当于与执行 git checkout
$ git config --global alias.l "log --oneline --graph"
$ git config --global alias.ls 'log --graph --pretty=format:"%h <%an> %ar %s"'
\$ git ls
* f5c469b <rainbowatcher> 4 days ago fix: 重新添加README文件 && 修改sidebar显示层数
* 0678f0f <rainbowatcher> 4 days ago feat: 优化目录结构,增加测试案例,自动生成sidebar
* 4d0f7b3 <rainbowatcher> 3 weeks ago rename
* fa8c1a7 <rainbowatcher> 3 weeks ago feat: disable github action
这些 alias 也可以在 ~/.gitconfig
name = your_name
email = email_address@orgnization.com
autocrlf = input
quotepath = false
excludesfile = /Users/username/.gitignore_global
editor = code --wait
defaultBranch = main
[filter "lfs"]
clean = git-lfs clean -- %f
smudge = git-lfs smudge -- %f
process = git-lfs filter-process
required = true
ff = only
[includeIf "gitdir:~/WorkSpace/"]
path = ~/.config/git/.gitconfig_company
proxy =
proxy =
Git 提供 includeIf 选项来指定条件配置,在切换多个项目工作的情况下非常有用
...you global config...
[includeIf "gitdir:~/WorkSpace/"]
path = ~/.config/git/.gitconfig_company
中的配置为全局配置,当条件符合 includeIf
选项中的判断条件时将 path 对应的配置文件加载到项目配置
: Git 项目路径规则gitdir/i
: 与 gitdir 相似,只是不区分大小写onbranch
: 在指定分支下应用的规则hasconfig:remote.*.url:
: 关键字为hasconfig
# Core variables
; Don't trust file modes
filemode = false
# Our diff algorithm
external = /usr/local/bin/diff-wrapper
renames = true
[branch "devel"]
remote = origin
merge = refs/heads/devel
# Proxy settings
gitProxy="ssh" for "kernel.org"
gitProxy=default-proxy ; for the rest
path = /path/to/foo.inc ; include by absolute path
path = foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" relative to the current file
path = ~/foo.inc ; find "foo.inc" in your `$HOME` directory
; include if $GIT_DIR is /path/to/foo/.git
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/foo/.git"]
path = /path/to/foo.inc
; include for all repositories inside /path/to/group
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
path = /path/to/foo.inc
; include for all repositories inside $HOME/to/group
[includeIf "gitdir:~/to/group/"]
path = /path/to/foo.inc
; relative paths are always relative to the including
; file (if the condition is true); their location is not
; affected by the condition
[includeIf "gitdir:/path/to/group/"]
path = foo.inc
; include only if we are in a worktree where foo-branch is
; currently checked out
[includeIf "onbranch:foo-branch"]
path = foo.inc
; include only if a remote with the given URL exists (note
; that such a URL may be provided later in a file or in a
; file read after this file is read, as seen in this example)
[includeIf "hasconfig:remote.*.url:https://example.com/**"]
path = foo.inc
[remote "origin"]
url = https://example.com/git
Git 提供的 alias 很好,但是我更喜欢 shell 自带的 alias
alias gst='git status'
alias gl='git log --oneline --cherry'
alias gll='git log --graph --cherry --pretty=format:"%h <%an> %ar %s"'
alias gp='git push'
alias gpl='git pull'
alias gcf='git config -l'
alias gaa='git add .'
alias gcf='git config --list'
alias gba='git branch -a'
alias gbd='git branch --delete'
alias gbrn='git branch -m'
alias gho='git hash-object'
alias gcat='git cat-file'